18 Oct 2024
CSTM - Michael

Connection at St Martin’s (CSTM) supports the London Charter to End Rough Sleeping

They work with people who are sleeping rough or at risk of doing so. This is Michael’s story.

"At the start of 2023 Michael was in a bad place, sleeping on a bench in Embankment in the freezing cold. Now, he has a roof over his head and hope for the future. It wasn’t an easy path off the streets, and it’s one he’s still working on with us. The Connection have stuck with him every step of the way.

Michael first came to London in 2022, looking for a fresh start and work. It didn’t quite go to plan. His mental health was spiralling, and he would walk around Westminster, too scared and cold to sleep.

The CSTM team met Michael in Charing Cross station with no sleeping bag and shoes that were a size too small. They helped Michael get back on his feet and find a flat and a job. But after being made redundant, he was back on the streets again.

At first, Michael said he was nervous and embarrassed to go back to the centre when things didn’t work out. But he knew that the CSTM team would listen to what he needed, with no judgement. They worked with Michael to help him realise what was keeping him in this cycle of rough sleeping. And when he was ready, they made a plan with him to break it.

To ensure permanent change in Michael’s life, they did more than find him a new home, they helped him change his mindset. Now, Michael is thriving.

Having a creative outlet and someone who understands his issues is life changing. For the first time in five years, he’s writing songs again."

For more stories about people like Michael, and to find out more about Connection at St Martins, go to The Connection at St. Martins - End Rough Sleeping in London.