Nickie Aiken MP for Cities of London and Westminster (Con) signs the Charter
Nickie Aiken, MP for Westminster and City of London (Con) (middle) signs the London Charter at The Passage with Chief Executive Mick Clarke (left) and Director of Services and New Developments Jenny Travassos (right)

Credit: The Passage
Nickie Aiken MP joined a growing list of MPs and leaders to sign the London Charter to End Rough Sleeping when she visited The Passage in Victoria on 13 February 2024.
Aiken who is Conservative MP for Cities of London and Westminster has long campaigned on homelessness and rough sleeping. Westminster has the highest number of rough sleepers in the capital; and the City of London has a very high incidence of rough sleeping also. Both areas have a very long history of supporting rough sleepers on the streets of the capital, being in Central London.
Aiken said:
“For over a decade, I've campaigned to support the most vulnerable people in our society and ensure they have the services and resources they need and deserve.”
“I'm proud to have worked with The Passage to lead the campaign in Parliament to repeal the Vagrancy Act, ending the criminalisation of rough sleepers.”
“We can end rough sleeping, and I'm delighted to have signed the London Charter to End Rough Sleeping. It will make a real difference in people's lives and gives us genuine solutions to support people coming off the street and to help turn their lives around.”
The Passage provides practical support and a wide range of services to people who are, or are at risk of, street homelessness. It runs a modern resource centre in Victoria – one of the UK’s largest centres, four accommodation projects, outreach and health services, homelessness prevention schemes, and a pioneering modern slavery referral programme.